Friday, August 16, 2013

Being Lost on Orcas Island

First time on Orcas Island? One can only assume that you arrived via ferry, then followed a seemingly endless line of cars through the several miles of forest and farmlands on the way to Eastsound, the main town on Orcas Island.

Within about 20 minutes, you'll pass fields, horses, glittering tree decorations, several glimpses of Indian Island, and eventually find yourself at a fork in the road, presenting you with two options: Go straight; go right... The latter is a tempting option, given the view of the waters of Eastsound. Quite a conundrum as a newcomer...

Going straight would most likely lead to following a caravan of locals who ventured off the island in search of chain groceries and bulk shopping... Or, you could turn right, following the general flow of the road into town. You're not lost yet, and although it's confusing, it's a small island, and we forgive you... It can be quite overwhelming when you first arrive, but fret not. Even if you find yourself momentarily lost, all roads lead to town... As long as you're traveling in the right direction.

Every once in a while, you'll find a random sign post, seemingly legitimate, but cleverly planned to steer you into the scenic labyrinth of roads through forests and along beaches, only to end up right where you started. But then there are the complicated directions local youth will give you, just so they can watch you pull up a short time later, confused and feeling as though you've been through a disorienting maze of the island's roads. Although most people are kind enough to direct you to your intended destination, beware of the young, bored and quite probably inebriated islanders... They have not much else to do but direct you in a scenic square around the town, but never actually driving through town... Don't worry if this happens, you'll pass them again, perhaps on the second pass they'll give you better directions.

Ask directions? Sure, as long as the source is mature enough to steer you in the right direction. But come across someone with a sense of humor appreciated by a select few and you may find yourself looking for a road along which you are supposed to see two cows standing behind a fence with three horses on the other side, at which point, you are to count three driveways and turn to the right. Can't find the cows? There are plenty of cows and horses, but how could you miss the cows next to the horses? Suddenly, you find yourself in very place that you started... you haven't really gone anywhere at all. This can be interesting if you've got nothing else to do, but for those seeking to arrive at their specific destination, it could get a bit frustrating.

In other words, choose your directional resources wisely. Unless of course, you're feeling adventurous. In that case, sure... go ahead. Ask that 14-yr old kid standing in front of the market because that kid has nothing better to do than steer tourists in circles.

Just so you know, the gas station near town closes at 10 p.m. Don't take your chances after nine o'clock. After a certain time of night, there are even adults that will entertain themselves at your expense. Don't worry, though.... you'll get a great tour of the views of Orcas Island. In fact, the sights are worth getting lost, just so you can see them.

Skip the directions... just head out on any road. If you get lost, turn around. The island really isn't that big. Have fun, enjoy the sights, and who knows? You may just find yourself giving tourists bogus directions, just so you can share with them the beautiful places and majestic sights you experienced while being lost on Orcas Island.


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